Theory of nursing are, According to Dorothea Orem (1971):
Human services based on the needs of human beings to take care of themselves how to manage it continuously to be able to support the health and life, recover from illness or accidents and mitigate the consequences. According to Orem, nursing care done with the belief that every person has the ability to nurture yourself so that help individuals meet the necessities of life, maintain the health and welfare, therefore this theory is known as the Self Care (personal care) or Self Care Deficit Theory. Adults can take care of themselves, while infants, the elderly, and sick people need help to meet activities of their Self Care.
A unity that is seen as a symbolic function biologically and socially as well as initiate and perform activities of care / self-care to maintain life, health and welfare. Independent nursing care activities related to:
1. Air
2. Water
3. Food
4. Elimination
5. Activity and rest
6. Social interaction
7. Prevention of the danger of life
8. Welfare and improvement of human functioning
Community / environment
Environment around individuals that form an integrated and interactive system
A condition characterized by a growing human structural integrity and physical and mental functioning, including aspects of physical, psychological, interpersonal and social. Welfare used to describe the condition of the individual perception of its existence. is a condition characterized by a pleasant experience and various other forms of happiness, spiritual experiences, the movement to meet the ideal person and through continuous personalization. Welfare related to health, success in business and adequate resources.
Services that help people with the level of full or partial dependence on byi, children and adults, when they, their parents, guardians or other adults responsible for the care or treatment to those no longer able to care for or care for or supervise them. Human creative effort devoted to helping others. Nursing is an act committed intentionally and has the goal of a function performed by nurses were intelligent, as well as measures that allow the recovery of the human condition in humans and the environment.
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