In general, every elderly desperately need and want attention and affection from those who are nearby. Seniors also have the right to decide where he wants to spend his old age, both in the family and social environment without coercion from any party.
Nurses have a great responsibility in giving the motivation to undergo the elderly in her and help in meeting the needs of the elderly. Nurses should provide the best service for the elderly, and has properties that patiently in the face of the elderly.
Elderly care (including health and care services) has a goal of welfare and the ability of the elderly. Therefore, nursing care should be given to the elderly, whether in good health or ill by helping maintain and encouraging their lives.
Goal attempts elderly health and welfare services are:
1. elderly active
2 elderly passive (promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services.
Nursing elderly who experienced pain serious enough and needs to be treated intensively referred to the hospital better.
Elderly healthy functionally they can be independent and not dependent on others. Daily activities marsh full and unable to care for themselves. Nursing care that is needed is primary prevention that prioritizes the improvement of health and prevention of disease.