NursingNetwork ~ Nursing is a form of professional service that is part intregral of health care based on nursing science and troubleshooting, in the form of service bio-psycho-socio-spiritual of comprehensive and addressed to individuals, families and society, both sick and healthy covering the entire cycle of human life.
Itself Nursing Practice senatiasa devoted to humanitarian or humanistic form of altruistic service askep client's health is at the core of professional nursing practice nurse-client relationship refers to the system in a positive interaction or relationship terapiutik, professional relationship characteristics:
1. Oriented to the needs of clients
2. Directed at achieving goals
3. Responsible dlm resolve client problems
4. Understand the client's condition with limitations
5. Giving an assessment based on agreed norms
6. Obliged to help clients to be self-sufficient
7. Obliged to build a trusting relationship
8. Working to Kaida conduct, confidentiality
9. Communicate effectively
Professional service is a service provided by a professional staff who have completed formal schooling, nursing, which has been approved by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to perform nursing duties and responsibilities in a professional manner and in accordance with the code of ethics of nursing.
Professional Nursing Practice has the following characteristics:
1. Autonomy in the Works
Nurses have independence. Nurses have the right melakukann its work without interference from outside.
2. Responsible and Accountable
Nurses should be responsible for what he did. For example in the case of an injection member should be appropriate time and dose. Nurses also have to be careful and honest and conscientious in performing nursing activities.
3. Independent Decision-Making
Freedom nurses to act implement nursing actions without control from the outside. A nurse can carry out his duties as a nurse, for nurse education, and has become a professional nurse.
4. Collaboration with other disciplines
In nursing action, the nurse should do collaborations with other disciplines. Suppose there were accidents and broken bones, nurses need to employ radiologists to perform rongent.
5. The provision of defense (advocacy)
The defense also called support (advocacy). That act in the client's rights to receive quality care to hold interaction for the benefit or for clients, in addressing the problem and dealing with the parties - other parties broader (system at large).
6. Facilitate the interests of patients or clients.
Interest Nursing Practice Professional of which is to help individuals to become independent, but it invites individuals or communities to participate in the health field, then help individuals develop the potential for maintaining optimal health in order not to depend on others in maintaining good health, and helps individuals obtain health status optimal.
The scope of the authority of nurses in the practice of professional nursing in healthy and diseased conditions, as well as throughout the life cycle (ranging from conception until death), covers the following:
- Nursing care of children, namely nursing care given to children aged from 28 until the 18th.
- The maternity nursing care, nursing care clients are women in the fertile period and neonates (newborn up to be healthy 28 day).
- surgical medical care, ie care in clients aged above 18 th to 60 th with impaired body function well because of trauma or dysfunction,
- Nursing care is the soul of nursing care at all ages who experience mental health problems.
- The family nursing care that nursing care to clients in carrying the family as the smallest unit of society as a result of a pattern of unhealthy family creating unmet needs of families.
- The community nursing care that nursing care to clients in the group of people in a particular area at any age as a result of non-fulfillment of the basic needs of society.
- Nursing care gerontic namely nursing care to clients aged 60 years and over who are aging and its problems.