Nursing Theory is a relationship some concept or framework of concepts or definitions that provide a systematic view or symptoms or phenomena to determine the specific relationship between these concepts by describing, explaining, or control the phenomenon.
Definition of nursing theory According to (steven, 1984, in the book taylor, c, ddk) nursing theory is an attempt to describe and explain various phenomena in nursing.
Characteristics of Nursing Theory
Mengidenifikasi nursing theory and defined as a specific relationship of the concept keperaan as the relationship between human concepts, concepts of healthy and sick keperawaan environmental concept.
Thirsty nursing theory is scientific. That is the theory of nursing in use on the grounds ataurasional clear and developed using logical thinking.
Nursing theory is simple and common. This means that nursing theory can be used on a simple problem or a complex matter in accordance with the situation of nursing practice.
Nursing theory plays a role in enriching the body of knowledge of nursing is done through research.
Nursing theory to guide and contribute to improve nursing practice.
Interest Nursing Theory
- The existence of nursing theory is expected to give the reasons of the realities faced in nursing services, both forms of action and models of nursing practice so that the problem can be resolved.
- The nursing theory helps members of the nursing profession for understanding a wide range of knowledge in nursing care can then provide a basis for the settlement of various issues in nursing.
- The existence of nursing theory help the process provides clear guidelines for nursing actions that any action could be considered.
- The presence of nursing theory can also provide the basis of assumptions and philosophy of nursing so that knowledge and understanding in the nursing actions can continue to grow and develop.
Nursing theory as a key part of the development of nursing science and the development of the nursing profession has a goal to be achieved.