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Showing posts from February, 2017

Concept of Nursing Practice

NursingNetwork ~ Nursing is a form of professional service that is part intregral of health care based on nursing science and troubleshooting, in the form of service bio-psycho-socio-spiritual of comprehensive and addressed to individuals, families and society, both sick and healthy covering the entire cycle of human life. Itself Nursing Practice senatiasa devoted to humanitarian or humanistic form of altruistic service askep client's health is at the core of professional nursing practice nurse-client relationship refers to the system in a positive interaction or relationship terapiutik, professional relationship characteristics: 1. Oriented to the needs of clients 2. Directed at achieving goals 3. Responsible dlm resolve client problems 4. Understand the client's condition with limitations 5. Giving an assessment based on agreed norms 6. Obliged to help clients to be self-sufficient 7. Obliged to build a trusting relationship 8. Working to Kaida conduct,...

Philosophy of Nursing

The philosophy of nursing is a rationale that should be owned by the nurse as a framework for thinking, decision-making and acting were given to clients in a range of healthy sick, who see humans as a holistic, which must be met needs of biological, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual through efforts nursing care that is comprehensive, systematic, logical, with the human aspects that every client is entitled to care regardless of race, religion, social and economic status. Differences in nursing philosophy with the philosophy of other disciplines The philosophy of nursing holistic view of human needs that must be met as a whole / holistic and comprehensive as well. It is not found on the philosophy of other professions. The essence of nursing considers that the patient is a partner that is always active in the health service. When a client physically sick then it is possible for the psychological pain as well, the client's family to feel the pain of having to c...

Nursing Theory

Nursing Theory is a relationship some concept or framework of concepts or definitions that provide a systematic view or symptoms or phenomena to determine the specific relationship between these concepts by describing, explaining, or control the phenomenon. Definition of nursing theory According to (steven, 1984, in the book taylor, c, ddk) nursing theory is an attempt to describe and explain various phenomena in nursing. Characteristics of Nursing Theory Mengidenifikasi nursing theory and defined as a specific relationship of the concept keperaan as the relationship between human concepts, concepts of healthy and sick keperawaan environmental concept. Thirsty nursing theory is scientific. That is the theory of nursing in use on the grounds ataurasional clear and developed using logical thinking. Nursing theory is simple and common. This means that nursing theory can be used on a simple problem or a complex matter in accordance with the situation of nursing practic...